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Aggie Weekly- October 8th

Good Afternoon Students, Parents, and Community Members:

This week’s HIGH 5 CLUB Student of Week- Juliana Price

#TeachMrBraga w/ Eavan Doyon- CLICK HERE

In the Classroom: 

  • NRM

The American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) is a critically endangered species. It buries an appropriately sized animal carcass (i.e. small rodents, birds, etc.) and preserves it in a protein-rich secretion before laying its eggs inside of the carcass. The larvae feed on the carcass for about a week before moving into the soil to develop into mature burying beetle adults. This process takes around 45-60 days. The carcass is then left to decompose, with only its bones left. The burying beetle has an important role in the ecosystem. Their breeding method recycles dead animals returning nutrients into the soil, encouraging the growth of vegetation. It also prevents animals from rotting in the environment which helps control fly and ant populations. It is known as an “indicator species”, meaning it can tell scientists the status of an environment’s health. The current status of this beetle shows that their environment's health is declining. 

The NRM department is currently attempting to captive breed the gold-necked beetle (N. tomentosus) and the round-necked beetle (N. orbicollis) which are common species of burying beetles that can be found and collected on campus, in preparation for the arrival of the American burying beetles from Zoo New England. The NRM department has been asked to partner with Zoo New England, which manages both Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo, in their conservation effort for this species. We will be following a Species Survival Plan for the American burying beetle that was created by the collaborative partners of Roger Williams Park Zoo to assist in the goal of reintroducing this species back to its native range. If successful with breeding in captivity, the American burying beetles will be released into the wild and be monitored for population growth or decline.

FLORI-Sophomore students Haley and Elizabeth created their first birthday flower arrangement for a customer. Beautiful work! 

Student Council:


Join us for a Night in the City on November 5, 2021.

Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased here.
The password is BAHomecoming2021 and is required to purchase tickets. 

As a reminder, there are no outside guests allowed at this event. Ms. Reilly and Mrs. Mills will be ensuring that tickets are purchased by and for Bristol Aggie students only.
If you purchase a ticket for someone who does not attend Bristol Aggie, they will not be allowed to enter the dance and there will be no refunds

If you have any questions, you can see Ms. Reilly or Mrs. Mills on the 3rd floor of Gilbert Hall. 

Student Services

We wanted to create an online Student Job posting to help you get started.  Please click the link(s) below to view the job posting(s).

  • Dighton

Dighton House of Pizza

Financial Aid / FAFSA Info

FAFSA is now open! Ms. Costa will be hosting two after school financial aid/FAFSA sessions to review things you may need in order to complete & submit your financial aid application. It will be drop-in style with any questions you may have.

The sessions will take place next Thursday, October 14th and Tuesday, October 19th right after school in room 1202 in Gilbert Hall - the room next door to Student Services. If you can't make either of those dates you can still register for an appointment with her during school hours here - Ms. Costa's Appointment Calendar

Suggestions for Mindfulness from Calm.com

*Write down all of your shoulds on a piece of paper. Let go of one of them today. 

*Celebrate your small successes.

*Place a hand on your belly and breathe for one minute. Deep belly breaths can help soften anxiety and relieve stress.

*Practice saying nice things to yourself today. 

*Interrupt your impulse to reach for your phone if you’d rather be doing something else.


General Membership Meeting Wednesday, Oct 13, 2021! Join us and help plan the Fall Festival Event that will be happening with the PTO Color Run!!!

The Week Ahead-A Week- Home Games Posted ONLY)

  • Monday, October 11- No School

  • Tuesday, October 12

    • Virtual Assembly @ 8:15 (report to class)

    • Boys Soccer vs Old Colony @ 3:30

    • Cross County vs Norfolk Aggie @ 3:30

    • JV Volleyball vs Diman @ 3:30

    • Varsity Volleyball vs Diman @ 5:00


    • School Building Committee at 5:30 (Student Commons)

    • Board of Trustees at 7:00 (Keith Hall)

  • Wednesday, October 13

    • PSAT Testing (students must have registered ahead of time)

      • 8:00-12:00ish 

        • Your lunch will be provided after testing is complete

    • JV Volleyball vs Old Colony @ 3:30

    • Varsity Volleyball vs Old Colony @ 5:00

    • Late Bus at 5:00 pm (Student Commons Circle)

    • PTO Meeting at 7:00 (Student Commons)

      • Meeting Requirements:  Masks and socially distant seating

  • Thursday, October 14

    • Girls Soccer vs Old Colony @ 3:30

    • EXTENDS: CSE RM 2206 from 2:45-4:00 

    • Late Bus at 5:00 pm (Student Commons Circle)

  • Friday, October 15

    • Girls Soccer vs Blue Hills @ 3:30

    • Late Bus at 5:00 pm (Student Commons Circle)

    • Check PowerSchool- Grades are updated


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