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Brunch at Norma's, New York Review

Norma's New York (17)

I realize I haven't really spoken about brunch in New York. You'd think that I'd be brunching everyday seeing as New York is famed for pancakes, waffles, bagels... mmmm bagels.

Yet we rarely got out of bed before midday, except for Norma's.

Housed inside the uber fancy Le Parker Meridien hotel, with it's marbled foyer, is Norma's- a breakfast/brunch only restaurant. Just the thing I'd been missing.

Norma's New York (16)Norma's New York (1)

I found out about Norma's after googling crazy New York breakfasts I kid you not. Looking for those all out chocolate pancakes, maple syrup french toasts you hear about? Oh this is the place.

Norma's New York (2)Norma's New York (6)Norma's New York (4)

The menu is pure indulgent heaven. From popping candy waffles, to Peanut butter and toffee crunch waffle sandwiches.

It took me ages to choose, much to Dan's impatience. I was certainly suffering from FOMO.

Norma's New York (5)Norma's New York (3)

One thing I did not choose was The Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata- $1000!!


I did enjoy their sense of humour though "I dare you to expense this". Can I find someone who has had this? I want to know what it's like, badly.

Norma's New York (7)

Placing our order, two cute little bottles of maple syrup arrived.

But the actual food was anything but little...

Norma's New York (8)

Feast your eyes on this whopper. This ladies and gents is french toast. Yes, basically half a loaf.

It's called Donut Even Go There French Toast and it goes a little something like this...

Cheesecake stuffed, coconut rolled, orange drizzled french toast with vanilla ice cream. I don't even know where to begin. Cheesecake stuffed french toast??

Norma's New York (9)
Norma's New York (12)
Norma's New York (14)
Norma's New York (10)

Even Dan's supposed more normal maple syrup and toffee crunch french toast was huge. Each slice must have been 4 normal slices. 

Norma's New York (11)

Of course, it was absolutly amazing- in a weird combination, but oh so totally works, kind of way. Cheesecake, check. Ice cream, check. French toast, check. All together, it shouldn't work, but it does. 

Of course, I struggled massively with the portion. But not one to be defeated, I plowed on. 

But it came to a point where I literally was going to burst.

Norma's New York (15)

I think I made a very good effort though.

Although we did have to waddle out of there, with our pants unbuttoned- not even a joke..

Totally worth it though.

NY 10019

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