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Week 150: This Week I Can't Remember - Next Week Judgement Week

Weekly Video Review

Sunday, July 28, 2013

* Music video with Ariana Grande "I Baby." Long day...8:30am to 12am and I didn't sleep the night before. Thank God the shoot was walking distance in Koreatown.

Ariana Grande & Motown Maurice. Music video "I Baby," just wrapped.

Motown Maurice & Ma on the Ariana Grande, "I Baby" music video set.

This is the song. Video coming soon.

* Came home to a pointless argument among my garage mates. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

* I had a photo shoot with me, myself and I, a tripod and the camera timer. It took a moment to set it up right but I got it. I thought I would capture some photos of my new beard. A couple days later this photo went up on all my casting profiles.
Motown Maurice's new bearded head shot.
* Starving In Hollywood Premiere

Motown Maurice & Rebecca Honett. Starving in Hollywood Premiere Launch at Busby's

Starving in Hollywood Premiere Launch at Busby's

Motown Maurice & Magdalene Bullock
More Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.196646733835483.1073741834.122677951232362&type=1

* Came home late after I joined a team who assisted getting a drunk person home.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

* UCB level 201 class 12pm-3pm

* Designing QWF email promotion.

* Emailed Late Night Experiment season 2 scripts to my crew.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

* The Improv Space

The Improv Space

The Improv Space
* Brought a new TV antenna

Thursday, August, 1, 2013

* Grow meeting @ 10am

* Web series producing...

Friday, August 2, 2013

* Work up mentally drained

* UCB Class 12pm-3pm

* UCB Harald Matinee

* UCB Improv Jam

Saturday, August 3, 2013 

* Feeling drained

* Power Struggle show 7pm

* Starting writing "Why I Want To Write for Late Night."

Final notes of this week

* Signs of things getting worse before they get better.

* Food stamp issues...

* Not pleased with my improv performance all week.

* TV issues. My digital convertor box died. My landlord gave me one she had stored away. It works great but it has no remote control. Grrrrrrr. As far as late night is concerned, all I get is CBS compared to only getting NBC previously.

* A lot of organizing...

* Financial issues are real.

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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