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So now we reached the portion of the year when it's cold outside.  Easter is already in the rear view mirror as we travel down the road.  The Fourth of July, Independence Day, is three miles down the road with the next highway exit ramp.  There will be a huge party if the highway exit ramp is used.  However, the three mile journey from several days past Easter to the Fourth of July appears to drag on forever.  However, time has a way of playing tricks on your mind.  What appears to be three really long months turns out to be the equivalent of three seconds.  Time has a way of flying past quicker than we assume.  And if there isn't an actual life plan to guide your life by, then you find yourself having wasted your life playing the role of the standard slacker beatnik.  I didn't wake up one morning and chose to give the impression that I'm a slacker and a beatnik.  I'm trying very hard to find employment.  However, the Great Recession has produced no employment whatsoever for the first three months of 2012.  And if this keeps up, my income tax forms will only include the United States Government Department of Jobs and Family Services Unemployment Compensation.  It used to be that minimum wage labor was my only source of income.  Now, Unemployment Compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services is my only source of income.  And so I keep filling out job application forms with the hope of finding minimum wage labor employment again.

And as I'm busy filling out job application forms, here are some photos of fashion model and reality television game show host Heidi Klum.  She did the television shows Project Runway, After the Runway, Models of the Runway and Seriously Funny Kids.

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