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Born Pretty Yellow Series Stamping Polish #103

Hello lovelies!

Remember that water lily mani? Well I used an untried for the green in that one,  which inspired me to try it for real!  There usually is no reason for polishes to become untrieds... Other than a lack of time and the stash becoming bigger and bigger... and the fact that I want to give the polishes the love they deserve! So I showed some love to Aliquid Lacquer "Yooper" and tested a new BP stamping polish while I was at it! 

Yooper is a stunning forest green jelly, packed with green, blue, gold and brown flakies and a decent amount of scattered holo! This is three thin coats with top coat. Application is super smooth. 

Then I took one if my new stamping polishes from born pretty's yellow series, number 103, and BPX-L011 Exoticism and stamped on the feather pattern. 

As you can see,  the stamping polish isn't as opaque as one would like, but it made for a subtle design! I've come to discover that some of BPS's new stamping polishes suffer from this;  stay tuned to find out which ones! (I'm trying to make it sound cool, although stamping polish lacking the necessary opacity drives me nuts!)

Tell me;  do you have many untrieds? 

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